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Wednesday 4 December 2013

Feeling Festive

Good morning to all our lovely friends and followers at Divas by Design and thanks for joining us for a new weekly challenge again today!
It was lovely to see your RED entries last week and our winner chosen at Random is....
Congrats please email us to claim your prize!
Our top 3 badge this time goes to..
Well done everyone!
We have a new challenge for you this week sponsored by the fabulous Stamp and create.
and our challenge for the week is...
So let's see your holiday creations.
Here is what our brilliant DT have made for you to be inspired by this time..



Aunty Sue


What stunners! Thanks for joining us again and good luck with the challenge!
Don't forget just 2 entries per person!
Much love


Beebeebabs said...

Nice work DT

KandA said...

Super inspiration from the DT xx

Carla S. said...

Gorgeous DT inspiration! Thanks for the fun challenge!

Wendy said...

Always beautiful design team samples. Thanks for the "feeling festive" challenge this week!

Karen said...

Such extraordinarily beautiful DT creations! What talent this DT has. :o) Thank you for the inspiration and the festive challenge! :o)

Hugs and blessings!

Ann Marie Governale said...

Thank you for selecting my card again for your top 3! As always, it made my day! xxx Ann Marie

Anita said...

Love the DT cards!

Karen P said...

Gorgeous DT inspirations and thanks for another great challenge x

Danielle Vincent said...

Awesome inspiration from the DT. I'd love to join but looks like the linky has been deleted. Will check back later.