We are accepting sponsors for 2014


Wednesday 9 April 2014


Happy Wednesday again friends!
Thanks to you all for your fabulous hopping last week in our 3rd birthday hop we loved reading your comments!
Thank you also to those of you that joined us for our anything goes challenge.
Our lucky winner of the surprise package is...
Congrats! Please e mail us your address so we can get your prize out to you!
Our top 3 this time were..
Congrats folks!
Our lucky winners from the hop from each blog are next to the names of our DT. If it says TBC (to be confirmed) it is just because of our differing time zones and DT holidays but we will have winners up soon so do check back!
Sandra TBC
Margreet TBC
Justyna TBC
Mirella TBC
For anyone that is listed as a winner please e mail us your address so we can pass it on to the relevant DT member to get your goodies out to you!
Congratulations everyone!
On to our new challenge this week which is 
we are super lucky to be sponsored by Hobbycutz this time
and here are the DTs super creations for your inspiration..

What fabulous work!
Now it's your turn! Thanks for playing along with us.
Much love


Dodici said...

Thank you girls for choosing my card in top 3 this week!I am so happy!:)

Sandra H said...

Many congratulations to the winner and top 3 your all worthy winners and a big thank you from me Sandra H as l am Sue B's winner of her prize for the blog hop l'm so excited thank you so very much my details are on the way and congrats to all others xx

Melissa @ M Miranda Creations said...

Thank you so much for choosing my Easter Gift Box as part of your Top 3. I am excited and honored. Congrats to all the winners. Have a great week!

Hugs, Melissa

Mynn xx said...

Thanks for the fun challenge and the beautiful DT work for added inspiration! :) Mynn xx

Unknown said...

Congrats to all the amazing winners!!! Love all the DT creations!! Amazing!! Thanks for another fun challenge!

- Susan
{Scrap A Thousand Words}
Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges

Bunny said...

Really cute DT cards. Thank you for the challenge.

Andrea W said...

Delightful Easter inspiration!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for a fun easter challenge! Great DT inspiration!

KandA said...

Super DT inspiration xx

Ann said...

Lovely creations by the DT.

Carla S. said...

Gorgeous DT creations! Thanks for the fun challenge!

Karen P said...

Thank you for the gorgeous inspirations and another great challenge Karen x

Sue said...

such a gorgeous selection of creations from the DT. Thank you for a lovely challenge theme.
Sue xx

Debbie Adams said...

Oh my, the DT creations are so cute and wonderful. Thanks for the inspiration and for such a fun challenge.

KarinsArtScrap said...

gorgeous cards and projects DT .

gr karin

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